How to Make Extra Fluffy Homemade Marshmallows
Store bought marshmallows are no match for the homemade version. Follow the recipe below for how to make homemade marshmallows from scratch. Extra fluffy and gooey!

Olivia Higgs
Feb 13
3 mins
Feb 13
3 mins
Let’s talk marshmallows! This gooey little treat was first enjoyed by the ancient Egyptians. They discovered a plant which was growing wild in marshland and were able to extract the sweet sap. Combined with honey you had a very special treat that at the time reserved for gods and pharaohs. But we can thank French candy makers for the marshmallows that we see today as they combined the marshmallow sap with egg whites and sugar, whipping them into the fluffy treats we know and love. You can color them however you like but we’ve kept them white so that we can get funky with our toppings using chocolate sauce, rose, lavender, pistachios and of course we had to scorch some of them.
For the marshmallow:
- 410g/14.5 oz granulated sugar
- 100g/13 cup agave syrup
- water - 120ml/1/2 cup x2 (for sugar syrup and same again for the gelatin)
- 21g /0.7 oz gelatin
- pinch of salt
- 2 tsp vanilla extract (feel free to use a flavor of your choice)
For dusting:
- 100g/3.5 oz confectioner's sugar/icing sugar
- 50g/1.8 oz cornstarch/cornflour
Topping ideas:
- piping chocolate
- pistachio crumb
- rose petals
- scorch the top with a butane blow torch